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Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

Indonesia Visa Guidance

Indonesia Visa Guidance




A Visa of the Republic of Indonesia is issued in the form of a sheet of paper attached to a passport. The type of visa issued shall be based on the visa appli­cation.
b. A Diplomatic Visa or a Service Visa shall only be issued to the bearer of a Diplo­matic Passport or a Service Passport. Applications for Diplomatic or Ser­vice Visas should be accompanied by diplomatic letters or official letters.
c. Visa applications may be done by proxy, except for Diplomatic or Service Visa applications.
d. A visa application should be submitted to an Embassy or Consular Office of the Republic of Indonesia or other official designated by Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
e. Visas shall be used within 60 (sixty) days, calculated from the date of issuance. Any foreign national who fails to use a visa within this desig­nated period of time must submit a re-application for a new visa.

a. The Immigration Attache at an Embassy or Consular Office of the Republic of Indonesia or other designated of­ficial (hereafter, Visa Officer) is autho­rized to issue or reject Diplomatic or Service Visa applications in accordance with the decision of the Minister of For­eign Affairs.
b. The Visa Officer is authorized to issue or refuse requests for Transit Visas, Visit Vi­sas, and Limited Stay Visas in accordance with the decision of the Direc­tor General of Immigration on behalf of the Minister of Justice.
c. The Director General of Immigration may fully authorize the Visa Officer to issue or reject applications for Transit Visas or Visit Visas.
d. The Visa Officer shall have the full authority to grant a visa to a foreign national who is in possession of a national passport or other valid travel document.
e. The Visa Officer, upon the approval of the Director General of Immigra­tion, shall grant a visa to an individual not in possession of a national passport or other travel document ( a stateless person ).
f. Admission to Indonesia remains under the authority of the Immigration Officer at the port of entry.
g. For certain cases, a Transit Visa or a Visit Visa may be issued at an Immi­gration Check Point.

a. Visa applications should be submitted to the Visa Officer after filling out the re­quired form.
b. A visa application should be submitted along with the following :
1) a valid passport;
2) a round trip or through-ticket to country of destination;
3) 2 (two) photographs, size 4 x 6 cm.;
4) proof or written guarantee of possession of sufficient funds for liv­ing expenses during entire stay in Indonesia;
5) is not included on the black list;
6) payment of the visa fee.

A visa application shall be approved if the applicant:
a. has fully complied with the requirements;
b. has paid the visa fee;
c. is not included on the Blacklist.

A visa application shall be rejected if the applicant :
a. has not fully complied with the requirements;
b. is included on the Blacklist;
c. can be included in any of the following categories, specified in Article 17 of Immigration Act No. 9/1992, which include any foreign national who:
1) is known to be or suspected of being involved in international crime syndicate activities;
2) has shown a hostile attitude toward the Government of Indonesia, or has taken actions which demean the name of the people and the country of Indonesia, in his/her own country or in any other country;
3) is suspected of having committed actions in conflict with national security, public order, the morality, religious values, or the traditions or customs of the people of Indonesia;
4) is under a request for extradition from an­other country, said person having tried to es­cape indictment or the execution of a pun­ishment, having committed a criminal act which is also punishable according to Indo­nesian law;
5) has previously been expelled or deported from the territory of Indonesia; or
6) has been found to be suffering from a men­tal illness or a contagious disease hazardous to public health,
d. originates from a country which has no diplomatic relations with the Re­public of Indonesia, unless otherwise established by Decision of the Min­ister of Justice.

The visa will be stamped or attached in a national passport, or a non-national passport, or a legal travel document.
All completed, original copies of visa application forms certified by the Visa Officer will be sent collectively on the same day to the Director General of Immigration.
The number and date of visa issuance will be entered on the visa applica­tion form.
The visa shall be signed by the Visa Officer.
The passport with the newly issued visa will be returned to the applicant.

Under certain circumstances, visa applica­tions can be arranged for in Indonesia by the sponsor of the applicant concerned. In such cases, the sponsor should appear in person at the Head Office of the Director­ate General of Immigration in Jakarta to begin the processing of the visa application as follows : a. on behalf of the applicant, fill out and complete all visa requirements according to the type of visa, which includes a letter from the sponsor stating the purpose of the visit/invitation and a written statement guaran­teeing the sponsor's taking responsibility for the applicant during his/her stay in Indonesia;
b. submit the visa application to the Visa Section of the Directorate of Immi­gration Traffic.
In absence of any incriminating factors, the visa authorization for the appli­cant concerned shall be cabled, at the expense of the sponsor, to the overseas Visa Officer at the Indonesian Embassy or Consular Office at the applicant's place of domicile.
The visa shall then be administered by Visa Officer in the presence of the applicant concerned. CHAPTER II

1. Visa Provisions :
A Transit Visa shall be issued to a foreign national, in possession of a valid passport or other legal travel document which is valid for at least 6 (six) months, who is :
a. in transit in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia intending to continue his/her journey to another country;
b. a captain and crew members intending to sign on a sea vessel/aircraft which is operating in Indonesia.

2. Immigration Fee :
US $ 15.00 per person for a Transit Visa or a Permit to Remain in Transit.

3. Validity of Transit Visa :
a. 60 (sixty) days, calculated from the date of issuance abroad.
b. A foreign national who fails to use the visa within the designated time period must submit a re-application for a new visa.

4. Validity of Transit Permit:
a. 14 (fourteen) days, calculated from the date of admission to Indo­nesia,
b. An Admission Permit for a foreign national in possession of a Transit Visa shall be valid as a Transit Permit during stay in Indonesia,
c. A foreign national holding a Transit Permit who is unable to continue his/her journey within the time limit of his/her Transit Permit because of Force Majeure (an Act of God or something beyond his/her con­trol) shall be granted a Permit to Remain in Transit by the Head of Local Immigration Office. Extensions shall be valid for a period of 14 (fourteen) days calculated from the expiration date of the Transit Permit, for a maximum stay of 60 (sixty) days, calculated from the date of admission.

5. Requirements :
a. Transit Visa applications shall be submitted by the applicant con­cerned or by his/her sponsor to the Visa Officer overseas after fully complying with the general visa requirements.
b. A Permit to Remain in Transit may be granted by the Head of Local Immigration Office in the following cases of Force Majeure:
1) severe damage to the transporta­tion mode;
2) extremely bad weather conditions;
3) a serious illness;
4) other reasons beyond the control of the applicant concerned.
1. Visa Provisions :
a. A Transit Visa on Arrival shall be granted to a foreign national upon arrival in Indonesia by the Head of Local Immigration Office in cases of Force Majeure.
b. The application for a Transit Visa on Arrival shall be submitted to the Head of Local Immigration Office in charge of the Immigration Check Point at an officially-designated airport/seaport in Indonesia.
c. A Transit Visa on Arrival shall be issued by the Head of Local Immi­gration Office after careful examina­tion and upon approval of the Direc­tor General of Immigration.

2. Immigration Fee :
US$ 30.00 for a general Transit Visa on Arrival or Permit to Remain in Transit. US$ 20.00 for a transit Visa on Arrival or a Permit to Remain in Transit for Batam Island, Tanjung Uban and Tanjung Balai Karimun.

3. Validity of a Transit Permit on Arrival:
a. 14 (fourteen) days, calculated from the date of admission to Indone­sia.
b. An Admission Permit for a foreign national in possession of a Transit Visa on Arrival shall also be valid as a Transit Permit during stay in Indonesia.
c. If within 14 (fourteen) days the foreign national is unable to continue his/her journey because of Force Majeure, the Head of Local Immi­gration Office shall issue a Permit to Remain in Transit for an addi­tional 14 (fourteen) days, calculated from the expiration date of the Tran­sit Visa on Arrival, for a maximum period of 60 (sixty) days, calculated from the date of admission.

4. Requirements :
a. An applicant must be in possession of a passport or travel document which is valid for at least 6 (six) months.
b. An official statement/certificate from an authorized institution or agency concerning the conditions of Force Majeure which have made the foreign national unable to continue on his/her journey.

1. Visa Provisions :
a. A Visit Visa shall be issued to a foreign national to visit Indonesia for the purpose of:
1) An official Government visit, which includes activities of Gov­ernment to Government, person to Government, an international organization to Indonesian Government, or a private foreign or­ganization/body to the Indonesian Government;
2) A tour visit, which includes various tourism activities such as, visiting tourist objects, developing the tourism industry in Indo­nesia, or managing/conducting package tours to Indonesia;
3) A socio-cultural visit, which includes socio-cultural activities such as visits to family members or relatives in Indonesia; visits to a social organization in the same field of endeavor as the ap­plicant; exchange visits between educational, art, or sport insti­tutions;
4) A business visit, which includes the following business activi­ties:
a) not engaged as an employee:
to discuss matters in the framework of trade trans­actions;
to make on-the-spot obser­vations and to discuss trade commodities for the im­port-export business;
to discuss with Indonesian enterprises/companies matters related to capital or commodity production by overseas en­terprises/companies;
to investigate possibilities for merchandising in the frame­work of capital investment with prospective partners in In­donesia;
to join an international show/exhibition;
to give a lecture or join a non-commercial seminar/confer­ence in social, cultural or governmental fields, with the per­mission of a related agency/institution/department;
to join a meeting held by the Head office or a representative in Indonesia;
to make a journalistic visit, with the permission of a related agency/institution/department;
to give consultation, guidance, information or training in applying and innovating technology in order to increase the quality or the design of products, as well as to further mar­keting efforts abroad.
b) for temporary employment to :
inspect company branches in Indonesia;
conduct emergency/urgent work;
conduct after-sales services;
install or repair equipment;
give a speech at a seminar;
do non-permanent construction work;
hold a show/exhibition;
hold professional sport activities;
do medical activities;
do work aboard a ship/floating installation operating in In­donesian waters, territorial seas, a continental shelf installa­tion, or an Indonesian exclusive economic zone;
perform tests on of work in­struments/equipment for prospective foreign em­ployees.
b. For a foreign national visiting Indo­nesia for a specific purpose or ob­jective, a Multiple-Journey BusinessVisa may be issued.

2. Validity of Visit Visa :
a. 60 (sixty) days, calculated from the date of issuance abroad,
b. A foreign national who fails to use the visa within the designated time period must submit a re-application for a new visa.

3. Validity of Visit Permit:
a. 60 (sixty) days calculated from the date of admission to Indonesia, and extendible ;
b. An Admission Permit for a foreign national in possession of a Visit Visa shall also be valid as a Visit Permit during stay in Indonesia.

4. Requirements :
a. A Visit Visa application shall be submitted by the applicant con­cerned or his/her sponsor to the overseas Visa Officer after fully complying with the general visa requirements.
b. An applicant must be in possession of a passport or travel document which is valid for at least 6 (six) months.
c. The applicant's purpose of visit may include a show/exhibition ac­tivities, trade, a professional sport event, attending a seminar/con­ference or giving a commercial lecture, medical treatment, or carry­ing out a test trial on work instruments/equipment with the approval of a related agency/institution/department.

1. Visa Provisions :
An application for a Visit Visa on Arrival shall be :
a. submitted to the Head Immigration of the Local Office who is in charge of an Immigration Check Point at an officially-designated airport/seaport in Indonesia;
b. granted to citizens from countries exempted from the requirement of possessing a visa, even though his/her arrival in Indonesia is not through an airport/seaport designated for such purposes;
c. granted to citizens of other countries upon approval of the Director General of Immigration;
d. used for the purpose of an official Government visit, or an official tour visit, or to join a transportation mode that is operating in Indo­nesian waters, territorial seas, a continental shelf installation, or an Indonesian exclusive economic zone.

2. Immigration Fee :
US$ 50.00 per person for a general Visit Visa on Arrival. US$ 40.00 per person for a Visit Visa on Ar­rival for Batam Island, Tanjung Uban and Tanjung Balai Karimun. US$ 30.00 per person for a Visit Visa on Ar­rival for Several Journey of 14 days for Batam Island, Rempang Island, Galang Island (Barelang), Belakang Padang Island, Bintan Island and Karimun Island. US$ 15.00 per person for a Visit on Arrival for period of 14 days for Batam Island, Tanjung Uban and Tanjung Balai Karimun.

3. Validity of Visit Permit on Arrival:
a. 30 (thirty) days, calculated from the date of admission to Indonesia.
b. An Admission Permit for a foreign national in possession of a Visit Visa on Arrival shall also be valid as a Visit Permit during stay in Indonesia.

4. Requirements :
The applicant must:
a. not be included on the Blacklist;
b. be in possession of a passport or travel document which is valid for at least 6 (six) months from the date of arrival.

1. Visa Provisions :
a. A Collective Visit Visa shall be issued by the overseas Visa Officer by stamping a collective list which has been made and signed by a travel agent who arranges for/operates a tour and travel business.
b. The collective list shall contain the names of at least 5 (five) persons with a maximum of 25 (twenty five) persons.

2. Validity of Collective Visit Visa :
a. 60 (sixty) days, calculated from the date of issuance abroad,
b. A foreign national who fails to use the visa within the designated time period must submit a re-application for a new visa.

3. Validity of Collective Visit Permit:
a. 60 (sixty) days, calculated from the date of admission to Indonesia.
b. An Admission Permit for a foreign national in possession of a Col­lective Visit Visa shall also be valid as a Visit Permit during stay in Indonesia.

4. Requirements :
A Collective Visit Permit shall be issued for the purpose of :
a) a tour visit to tourist objects in Indonesia;
b) a socio-cultural visit to an organization in one's own field, or an exchange visit between students from an educational, art, or sports institution.

1. Visa Provisions :
a. A Multiple-Journey business Visa shall be issued by the overseas Visa Officer to an applicant who intends to visit Indonesia for a specific purpose several times.
b. A Multiple-Journey Business Visa shall be granted to the holder of a passport or travel document which is valid for at least 1 (one) year.

2. Validity of a Multiple-Journey Busi­ness Visa:
1 (one) year, calculated from the date of issuance.

3. Validity of a Multiple-Journey Business Permit:
60 (sixty) days for each visit to Indonesia within a period of 1 (one) year from the first admission to Indonesia using said visa.
An Admission Permit for a foreign national in possession of a Mul­tiple-Journey Business Visa shall also be valid as a Visit Permit dur­ing stay in Indonesia.

4. Requirements :
The requirements to apply for a Mul­tiple-Journey Business Visa are the same as the general visa requirements, with the provision that the applicant shall not engage in any form of tempo­rary employment, but only visit Indo­nesia for the purpose of :
a. a discussion/s in the framework of trade transactions;
b. on-the-spot observations for import-export business;
c. investigating possibilities for merchandising in the framework of capital investment with prospective partners in Indonesia;
d. discussions between Indonesian enterprises and overseas enterprises concerning capital or commodity production;
e. joining a meeting held by the head office or a representative office in Indonesia;
f. performing quality control duties on articles for export from Indo­nesia.

1. Visa Provisions :
a. A Limited Stay Visa shall be issued to a foreign national for the purpose of:
1) foreign investment;
2) employment as an expatriate ex­pert for the government or the private sector:
3) education, training, or scientific research;
4) religious duties;
5) joining a husband and/or a parent who is a foreign national in possession of a Limited Stay Permit/Permanent Stay Permit or who is an Indonesian citizen, for the wife and/or single, legiti­mate child(ren) who is/are under 18 (eighteen) years of age;
6) repatriation for a former Indonesian citizen;
7) to regain Indonesian citizenship which was lost under Act No. 62/1958 concerning Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.
b. The overseas Visa Officer has the authority to issue a Limited Stay Visa to an applicant only upon approval from the Director General of Immigration or a designated Immigration Officer.
c. A Limited Stay Visa may be granted by the overseas Visa Officer to an applicant who is under 18 (eighteen) years of age and still single, provided the applicant :
was born overseas after his/her mother had been granted a Lim­ited Stay Visa or a Re-entry Permit to the territory of Indonesia which is still valid; or
was born overseas of parents who are Indonesian citizens.
d. Applicants not in possession of a national passport are required to enclose proof indicating that the applicant concerned may return to country of issuance of his/her travel document or to the applicant's country of residence within 18 (eighteen) months.
e. A Limited Stay Permit shall be issued in the form of a Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS), a 7 x 10 cm. yellow, quadrangular card with information concerning the identity and the photograph of the holder, the center showing the Immigration symbol.

2. Validity of Limited Stay Visa :
a. 60 (sixty) days, calculated from date of issuance,
b. A foreign national who fails to use the visa within the designated time period must submit a re-application for a new visa.

3. Validity of Limited Stay Permit:
a. A Limited Stay Permit shall be issued to a foreign national in posses­sion of a Limited Stay Visa to stay in the territory of Indonesia for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of admission to Indonesia and is extendible for 5 (five) times consecutively, each extension for 1 (one) year.
b. A Limited Stay Permit shall be canceled if the foreign national concerned :
1) willingly relinquishes his/her right to the permit;
2) is overseas exceeding the time limit of Re-entry Permit to Indo­nesia; or
3) is subject to an Immigration ac­tion.

4. Requirements for Limited Stay Visa and Limited Stay Permit:
a. The basic requirements for a Limi­ted Stay Visa are the same as the general Visa requirements, with the addition of the following:
1) the applicant's passport or travel document must be valid for at least 18 (eighteen) months;
2) a recommendation from an overseas sponsor or a sponsor in In­donesia;
3) an applicant who intends to join an Indonesian national husband or parent, or a foreign national in possession of a Limited Stay Permit is required to enclose a marriage certificate and/or a birth certificate;
4) an applicant who intends to perform activities in the field of religion/missionary work, research, social work or education must enclose the original letter and photocopies of the recommenda­tion from the related institution/Technical Department;
5) an applicant who will be employed in the framework of Foreign Investment/National Investment (PMA/PMDN) or as expatriate expert in the field of overseas technical aid must enclose a letter of recommendation from the Technical Department and the De­partment of Manpower/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) along with an approval for the Plan to Utilize Foreign Manpower document (RPTKA);
6) an applicant seeking repatriation must enclose proof of being a former Indonesian citizen, and a guarantee of having sufficient funds for living expenses while in Indonesia,
b. The requirements for a Limited Stay Permit are as follows:
1) the foreign national concerned must possess a Limited Stay Visa on arrival in Indonesia;
2) the foreign national concerned, or sponsor, must report his/her arrival as indicated in his/her ad­mission permit;
3) an application must be submit­ted to the Head of Local Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers the area of residence of the foreign national concerned, at least 7 (seven) days from the date of admission;
4) a Limited Stay Permit may be granted to a foreign national's child born in Indonesia, whose father is the holder of a Limited Stay Permit, and who reports the birth at latest 60 (sixty) days from the date the child was born;
5) a Curriculum Vitae/Resume of the foreign national concerned, original and photocopies of national passport or travel document. and other proof to support his/her personal data in accordance with his/her visa application must be submitted;
6) a written guarantee of responsibility for the foreign national from the sponsor and the identity card of the sponsor must also be submitted.

1. Permit Provisions :
a. A Special Immigration Facility Lim­ited Stay Permit (hereafter, DAHSUSKIM) shall be issued to in­crease the efficient use of territo­rial waters in the framework of na­tional development.
b. A DAHSUSKIM shall be issued by decision of the Director General of Immigration based on the request of a sponsor who intends to employ a foreign national as an expert, captain, or crew member of a vessel or floating installation which is operating in Indonesian waters, territorial seas, a continental shelf installation, or an Indone­sian exclusive economic zone.
c. The ship captain, crew member, or expatriate expert employed on board a vessel/floating installation shall be exempted from the re­quirement of obtaining a visa if upon entrance into Indonesia aboard said transportation mode the foreign national obtains a DAHSUSKIM.
d. If a captain, crew member, or expatriate expert enters the territory of Indonesia not utilizing his/her vessel/floating installation, it is com­pulsory to obtain a Visit Visa.
e. A foreign national holding a DAHSUSKIM is required to have a Re­entry Permit to depart from or re-enter the territory of Indonesia when not aboard his/her vessel/floating installation.
f. The period of time of a Re-entry Permit shall be in accordance with the DAHSUSKIM and may be issued for Multiple Journeys.
g. The implementation of this Special Immigration Facility shall be by the Head Immigration of the Local Office whose jurisdiction covers the territorial seas designated by an appropriate authority.
h. The issuance of a DAHSUSKIM shall be executed at the same time as Alien Registration and is exempted from the requirement of fin­gerprinting.

2. Permit Validity :
a. The Permit is valid for 60 (sixty) days from the date of the approval of the DAHSUSKIM from the Director General of Immigration.
b. If this time period is exceeded, the sponsor must submit a re-applica­tion.
c. A DAHSUSKIM is valid for a maximum of 1 (one) year from the date of admission to Indonesia.
d. A DAHSUSKIM may be extended by submitting an application to the Director General of Immigration within 30 (thirty) days before the validity of the Permit has expired.

3. Requirements :
a. An application must be submitted by the sponsor to the Director General of Immigration or a designated Immigration Officer with the following enclosures :
1) a Security Clearance from the related office/department for for­eign vessels/floating installations to enter Indonesian waters;
2) information concerning Foreign Vessel Operations (PPKA) from the Director General of Sea Transportation;
3) a recommendation from a related office/department according to the field of activity or business.
b. The sponsor who has been granted the approval for a DAHSUSKIM must appear before the Head of Local Immi­gration Office for the issuance of the DAHSUSKIM within 90 (ninety) days from the date of the approval.
c. The sponsor must submit a written applica­tion to the Head of Local Immigration Of­fice to process the DAHSUSKIM approval, fill out the required form, and enclose the original and photocopies of the passport or travel document of the expatriate expert, captain, or crew member of the vessel/floating installation concerned,
d. The applicant must not be included on the Blacklist,
e. The Immigration fee must be paid.
f. The sponsor must fill out the Alien Registration form for the expatri­ate expert, captain, or crew member of the vessel/floating installa­tion.

1. Permit Provisions :
a. A Permanent Stay Permit shall be issued by the Head of Local Immi­gration Office to a foreign national :
1) residing in the jurisdiction of the local Immigration Office;
2) child born in Indonesia of a foreign national father in possession of a Permanent Stay Permit who makes the application for the Permanent Stay Permit at the latest 90 (ninety) days from the date of the child's birth; or
3) who obtains approval for Immi­gration permit status conver­sion,
b. A Permanent Stay Permit shall be issued to a foreign national, bearing a valid national passport, for a period of 5 (five) years and is extendible.
c. A Permanent Stay Permit shall be granted by the Director General of Immigration on behalf of the Minister of Justice.
d. A Permanent Stay Permit shall be issued in the form of a Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP), quadrangular in form, 7x10 cm. in size; in the center part of the KITAP is the Immigration symbol; the card is blue, with a photograph and information concerning the personal identity of the holder.

Validity :
a. 5 (five) years from the date of the Permanent Stay Permit issuance and extendible every 5 (five) years.
b. A Permanent Stay Permit shall be canceled if foreign national con­cerned :
1) willingly relinquishes his/her right to the permit;
2) is overseas exceeding the time limit of the Re-entry Permit; or
3) is subject to an Immigration action.

2. Requirements :
a. A Permanent Stay Permit may be obtained through a status conver­sion from a Limited Stay Permit.
b. The status conversion may be granted based on the foreign national's request, provided he/she has resided continuously in Indonesia for at least 5 (five) years from the date of issuance of the Limited Stay Permit.
c. The requirements for applying for a Permanent Stay Permit for a foreign child born in Indonesia of a foreign national father in pos­session of a Permanent Stay Permit are as follows :
1) submit application form, guarantee of responsibility for the child, and information concerning the personal identity of the father (who, in this case, is the sponsor);
2) submit original and photocopies of valid national passport of the child;
3) submit original and photocopies of valid birth certificate of the child;
4) submit original and photocopies of valid marriage certificate, national passport, and Permanent Stay Permit of the legitimate parents;
5) submit 2 (two) color photographs, size 2x3 cm.;
6) the parents must not be included on the Blacklist;
7) pay Immigration fee.

1. Permit Provisions :
a. A Re-entry Permit shall be issued to a foreign national in possession of a Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) or a Per­manent Stay Permit ( KITAP) for a Single Journey or for Multiple Journeys.
b. The issuance of a Re-entry Permit shall be at latest 1 (one) month be­fore the expiration date of the Stay Permit.
c. A Re-entry Permit for a Single Jour­ney shall be issued to a foreign na­tional in possession of a Limited Stay Permit for a maximum period abroad of 6 (six) months, or for a foreign national in possession of a Permanent Stay Permit for a maximum period abroad of 12 (twelve) months from the date of the Re-entry Permit issuance.
d. A Re-entry Permit for Multiple Journeys shall be issued to a foreign national in possession of either a Limited Stay Permit or a Perma­nent Stay Permit valid for a maximum of 12 (twelve) months from the date of the Re-entry Permit issuance.

2. Validity :
1 (one) month at the latest before the expiration date of the Stay Permit.

3. Requirements :
An application for a Re-entry Permit should be submitted by the appli­cant or his/her sponsor to the Head of Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers the area of residence of the applicant, with the following enclosures :
a. an application form of applicant concerned or his/her sponsor;
b. a valid passport or travel document;
c. a Valid Stay Permit. CHAPTER III

1. Extension Provisions :
a. A Visit Permit extension shall be issued for a maximum period of 7 (seven) months from the date of admission to Indonesia by the Head of Immigration Office, The extension shall be issued for the purpose of a Government duty, a socio-cultural visit, a business visit, or temporary employment;
b. The Visit Permit extension may be issued for a maximum of 5 (five) times consecutively; each extension shall be granted for 30 (thirty) days, calculated from the expiration date of the Visit Permit with the following provisions :
1) the first and the second exten­sions shall be granted by the Head of Immigration Office.
2) the third and the fourth exten­sions shall be issued by the Head of Immigration Office upon written approval from the Head of Regional Office Department of Justice and Human Right or a designated official;
3) the fifth or the last extension shall be issued by the Head Immi­gration Office upon written approval from the Di­rector General of Immigration through the Head of Regional Of­fice Department of Justice and Human Right or a designated official;
c. A Visit Permit for the purpose of tourism is not extendible except in cases of Force Majeure. In such cases, an extension of 30 (thirty) days may be issued by the Head of Immigration Office upon written approval from the Director General of Immigration;
d. A Visit Permit for a foreign national using a Free Short Visit Visa facility is not extendible.

2. Validity :
30 (thirty) days for each extension, calculated from the expiration date of the Visit Permit.

3. Requirements :
The following must be submitted for a Visit Permit extension by the applicant concerned or by his/her sponsor :
a. an application to the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta, 7 (seven) days at the latest before the expiration date of the Visit Per­mit;
b. a certificate/guarantee of responsibility for the applicant from the sponsor and the sponsor's identity card;
c. original and photocopies of the national passport or travel document and proof of a valid Visit Permit;
d. 4 (four) color photographs, size 4x6 cm.;
e. for the second to the fifth extension, proof of Alien Registration from an authorized Immigration Office.
f. The applicant must not be included on the Blacklist;
g. In possession of a return ticket or through ticket to the third Country
h. For temporary employment, proof of Temporary Employment Per­mit from an authorized institution must be enclosed.

1. Extension Provisions :
a. An extension of a Limited Stay Per­mit shall be issued for a maximum of 5 (five) times consecutively by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta whose jurisdiction covers the area of residence of the foreign national concerned, with the following provisions:
1) the first and the second extensions shall be issued by the Head of Immigration Office upon written approval from the Head Regional Office Department of Justice and Human Right or a designated official;
2) the third to the fifth extensions shall be issued by the Head of Immigration Office upon written approval from the Director General of Immigration through the Head Regional Of­fice Department of Justice and Human Right or a designated official.
b. An extension of a Limited Stay Permit for the holder of a travel document, not a national passport, shall be issued by the Head of Immigration Office upon approval of the Director Gen­eral of Immigration through the Head of Regional Office the De­partment of Justice and Human Right or a designated official;
c. If a Limited Stay Permit expires while awaiting the decision of the Director General of Immigration or a designated official, a temporary extension of a maximum of 60 (sixty) days from the expiration date of said Permit may be issued by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta.
d. The application for a Limited Stay Permit extension shall be submitted to the Head Immigration Office by the applicant concerned or by his/her sponsor within 30 (thirty) days before the expiration date of the Permit.

2. Validity :
1 (one) year for each extension, calculated from the expiration date of the Limited Stay Permit, and extendible for a maximum of 5 (five) times consecutively.

3. Requirements :
The following requirements must be submitted/fulfilled :
a. certificate/guarantee of responsibility for the foreign national from the sponsor and identity card of sponsor;
b. original and photocopies of a valid passport or travel document, Alien Registration Book, and Limited Stay Permit Card;
c. 2 (two) color photographs, size 2x3 cm.;
d. the applicant must not be included on the blacklist;
e. pay Immigration fee;
f. enclose recommendation for extension from related authorized insti­tution/department;
g. for spouse and single, under-aged child(ren), enclose marriage cer­tificate and birth certificate of husband or parent;
h. for foreign employee or foreign businessman/entrepreneur, enclose photocopies of business documents: Trade Business Permit (SIUP), Business Registration Mark (TDP), and Income Tax Registration Number (NPWP).

1. Extension Provisions :
a. An extension of a Permanent Stay Permit shall be issued by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta upon written approval from the Director General of Immigration through the Head of Regional Office Department of Justice and Human Right or a designated official;
b. An application for a Permanent Stay Permit extension shall be sub­mitted to the Director General of Immigration through the Head Regional Office Department of Justice and Human Right or a designated official;
c. An application for a Permanent Stay Permit extension shall be sub­mitted 60 (sixty) days at the latest before the expiration date of the Permit;
d. If the Permanent Stay Permit expires while awaiting the decision of the Director General of Immigration concerning the extension of said permit, a temporary extension of 90 (ninety) days from the ex­piration date of the permit may be issued by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta, The extension shall be implemented by issuing of a new Permanent Stay Permit Card to replace the old one;
e. An extension of a Permanent Stay Permit shall be granted to a foreign national in possession of a valid passport, not to those in possession of a travel document or a non-national passport.

2. Validity :
5 (five) years for each extension, calculated from the expiration date of the Permanent Stay Permit as long as the foreign national concerned is residing in Indonesia.

3. Requirements :
a. An application must be submitted;
b. original and photocopies of a valid passport or travel document and Permanent Stay Permit Card of the foreign national concerned;
c. photographs, size 2x3=10 ,3x4=10, 4x6=10 (red backgrounds)
d. a letter of recommendation from related authorized institution. CHAPTER IV

A status conversion of an Immigration Permit is the changing of status of a Visit Permit into a Limited Stay Permit, or a Limited Stay Permit (KITAS) into a Permanent Stay Permit (KITAP).

1. Conversion Provisions :
a. The following Visit Permit are convertible into Limited Stay Permit (KITAS):
1) A Visit Permit for the purpose of doing business;
2) A Visit Permit for socio-cultural purposes;
3) A Visit Permit in the framework of government duties,
b. The following Visit Permit are not convertible into Limited Stay Per­mit :
1) A Visit Permit for the purpose of tourism;
2) A Visit Permit on Arrival;
3) A Visit Permit for Free Short Visit Visas.
c. A conversion shall be allowed for a foreign national in the framework of:
1) investment;
2) employment as an expatriate ex­pert;
3) employment for social activities;
4) carrying out scientific research;
5) carrying out religious duties;
6) for education and training;
7) joining a husband in possession of a Limited Stay Permit/Per­manent Stay Permit or who is an Indonesian citizen;
8) joining a parent, for single, under-aged, legitimate child(ren) of a parent in possession of a Limited Stay Permit/Permanent Stay Permit or who is an Indonesian citizen;
9) repatriation for a former Indonesian citizen in the framework of regaining Indonesian citizenship;
10) national development or other reasons related to humanitarian considerations.
d. The foreign national concerned must have been residing in Indonesia for at least 4 (four) months consecutively from the date of admis­sion.
e. The issuance of a Visit Permit status conversion into a Limited Stay Permit shall be determined by decision of the Director General of Immigration.
f. The issuance of a status conversion shall be executed by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta upon approval of the Director Gen­eral of Immigration through the Regional Office Department of Jus­tice and Human Right or a designated official.

2. Requirements :
An application for the status conversion of a Visit Permit into a Limited Stay Permit shall be submitted in triplicate to the Director General of Immigration, or a designated official, through the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta whose jurisdiction covers the area of residence of the applicant, with the following enclosures :
a. an application letter from the for­eign national concerned and his/her sponsor which contain information concerning the reason for the sta­tus conversion and a guarantee for said foreign national from the spon­sor during his/her stay in Indonesia until his/her exit from Indonesia;
b. original and photocopies of a valid passport or travel document which includes information about the personal identity, Visa, Admission Permit, and Visit Permit;
c. 4 (four) color photographs, size 2x3 cm.;
d. a Curriculum Vitae/Resume which includes information about fam­ily, employment background, and educational background of the for­eign national concerned;
e. letters to support his/her request for a conversion and a recommen­dation from a related authorized in­stitution/department;
f. a marriage certificate and informa­tion about the personal identity of the husband for a wife to join a hus­band in possession of a Limited Stay Permit/Permanent Stay Permit or who is an Indonesian citizen;
g. a birth certificate and information about the personal identity of a parent for a child to join a parent in possession of a Limited Stay Permit/Permanent Stay Permit or who is an Indonesian Citizen;
h. the applicant is not included on the blacklist or the subject of an Immigration Action.

1. Conversion Provisions :
a. Limited Stay Permit may be converted into Permanent Stay Permit with the exception of a Special Immigration Facility Limited Stay Permit (DAHSUSKIM).
b. The status conversion of a Limited Stay Permit into a Permanent Stay Permit may be granted to a foreign national who can be in­cluded in the following categories:
1) a capital investor who has invested his/her capital in Indonesia;
2) expatriate of a rare expertise in the field of science and techno­logy;
3) an expatriate expert in the position of top manager of an effec­tive and efficient capital enter­prise;
4) a foreign church person;
5) a foreign wife, to join her hus­band who is an Indonesian citi­zen or foreign national in pos­session of a Permanent Stay Permit, and has accompanied him for a long time in Indonesia;
6) the foreign child(ren), under 18 (eighteen) years of age and single, to join parent who is an Indonesian citizen or foreign national in possession of a Permanent Stay Permit, and has accompanied parent for a long time in Indonesia;
7) a foreign national in the framework of repatriation to regain his/ her Indonesian citizenship;
8) a foreign national who is beneficial to national development or other matters related to humanitarian considerations,
c. An application in triplicate for a status conversion shall be submitted to the Head of Local Immigration Office whose jurisdiction covers the area of residence of the foreign national concerned.

2. Requirements :
a. An application letter from the foreign national concerned and spon­sor containing the purpose of the request for the conversion and a guarantee from the sponsor for the foreign national concerned dur­ing his/her stay in Indonesia;
b. original and photocopies of a valid national passport which includes personal data, visa, and Limited Stay Permit Card, showing that the foreign national has been residing in Indonesia for 5 (five) years con­tinuously using a Limited Stay Per­mit (KITAS) and has never left Indonesia without a Re-entry Permit nor been overseas exceeding time limit granted;
c. a Curriculum Vitae/Resume which contains information about family, educational background, and employment background of the for­eign national;
d. proof to support the information about personal data and a recom­mendation from a related authorized institution;
e. a marriage certificate and information concerning the identity of the husband for a wife to join a husband who is a citizen of Indonesia or a foreign national in possession of a Permanent Stay Permit;
f. a birth certificate and information concerning the identity of the par­ent for a child(ren) to join parent who is a citizen of Indonesia or a foreign national in possession of a Permanent Stay Permit;
g. the applicant must not be included on the blacklist or subject to an Immigration Action. CHAPTER V

1. Provisions :
a. A change of sponsor is a change of agency or guarantor responsible for the stay and activities of a foreign national who is in possession of a Limited Stay Permit or a Permanent Stay Permit.
b. A change of sponsor is allowed in the following cases :
1) between firms, companies, enterprises, or private or government organizations/agencies/enterprises from the same group and/or owner;
2) between firms, companies, enterprises, or private or government organizations/agencies/enterprises which have cooperative com­mitments based on interrelated types of products;
3) between firms, companies, enterprises, or private or government organizations/agencies/enterprises which have activities related to the carrying out of government projects, based on a recom­mendation from a related authority/ institution/department,
c. The finalization of a change of sponsor shall be executed by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta upon approval from the Direc­tor General of Immigration through the Head of Regional Office the Department of Justice and Human Right or a designated official.

2. Requirements :
a. A letter of application and guarantee from the new sponsor;
b. a valid passport or travel document of the foreign national concerned;
c. an Alien Registration Book and Stay Permit Card of the foreign na­tional;
d. a certificate from the former sponsor stating that there is no objec­tion to the foreign national's changing sponsor to be employed by a new sponsor;
e. the applicant must not be included on the blacklist;
f. a change of sponsor recommendation from related authorized institu­tion/department;
g. a Plan to Utilize Foreign Manpower document (RPTKA);
h. a certificate of the Establishment of the Business of the former spon­sor and the new sponsor.

3. Process :
a. An application for a change of sponsor shall be examined by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta and sent to the Director General of Immigration through the Head of Regional Office the Department of Justice and Human Right or a desig­nated official along with any recommendations, suggestions, or other ideas;
b. The finalization of the change of sponsor shall be executed by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta upon approval from the Director General of Immigration, as follows :
1) the Stay Permit shall be canceled and a new one issued;
2) the new Stay Permit shall be officially stamped, along with alter­ation notes, the number and date of approval of the decision of the Director General of Immigration, in the passport or travel document and Alien Registra­tion Book.
c. If the application for a change of sponsor is rejected, the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta shall :
inform the foreign national con­cerned and/or his/her sponsor concerning the rejection of the application and the reasons for said rejection;
cancel the Immigration Stay Permit by revoking the Immigration Stay Permit Card and Alien Registration Book of the foreign national concerned;
order the foreign national to leave Indonesia, entering in the pass­port or travel document an official stamp, notes about the reason for revocation, and the date of the time limit to leave Indonesia.

1. Provisions :
a. A change of occupation is a change of type of occupation or profes­sion or status of employment by a foreign national in possession of a Limited Stay Permit or a Permanent Stay Permit within the same organization.
b. The finalization of a change of occupation shall be executed by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta upon written approval from the Director General of Immigration through the Head of Re­gional Office the Department of Justice and Human Right of West Java or a designated official.
c. An application for a change of occupation shall be submitted by the foreign national concerned or his/her sponsor to the Head of Immi­gration Office in Jakarta whose jurisdiction covers the area of residence of said foreign national.

2. Requirements :
a. An application letter and sponsor guarantee;
b. a valid national passport or travel document of the foreign national concerned;
c. an Alien Registration Book and Stay Permit Card;
d. the applicant must not be included on the blacklist;
e. a recommendation for the change of occupation from a related au­thorized institution/department;
f. a Plan to Utilize Foreign Manpower document (RPTKA).

3. Process :
a. An application for a change of oc­cupation shall be examined by the Head of Jakarta Immigration Office and sent to the Director Gen­eral of Immigration through the Head of Regional Office the Depart­ment of Justice and Human Right or a designated official;
b. The finalization of the change of occupation shall be executed as follows by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta upon ap­proval by the Director General of Immigration:
1) cancel the Immigration Stay Permit and issue a new one;
2) enter an official stamp, alteration notes, and the number and date of approval of the Director General of Immigration in the pass­port or travel document and the Alien Registration Book,
c. If the application for change of occupation is rejected, the Head of Jakarta Immigration Office shall :
1) inform the foreign national concerned and or his/her sponsor concerning the application rejection and the reason for the rejec­tion;
2) cancel the Stay Permit by revoking the Stay Permit Card and the Alien Registration Book;
3) order the foreign national concerned to leave Indonesia, entering in the passport or travel document an official stamp, notes con­cerning the reason for the rejection, and the date of the time limit to leave Indonesia. CHAPTER VII

1. Provisions :
a. Any foreign na­tional who loses his/her passport along with the Transit Permit or Visit Permit is required to re­port the loss im­mediately to the nearest Police Station in order to obtain an Official Police Statement concerning the loss of said Document.
b. Any foreign national whose Transit Permit or Visit Permit is severely damaged is required to apply immediately for a replacement to the nearest Immigration Office to obtain a duplicate of the Transit Per­mit or Visit Permit.
c. The Head of Local Immigration Office or a designated official shall investigate the possibility of willful intent in the loss or damage of the document.

2. Requirements :
a. An application for a duplicate Transit Permit or a duplicate Visit Permit shall be submitted by the foreign national concerned or his/ her sponsor to the Head of the Local Immigration Office with the following enclosures :
1) a new passport or travel document;
2) proof of a valid Transit Permit or Visit Permit based on photo­copies from the time of admission, an Embarkation/Disembar­kation Card (E/D Card), part of a boarding pass, and/or other proof which is related to the admission and presence of the for­eign national in Indonesia;
3) results of an investigation concluding that no element of willful intent is present;
4) an official statement of the loss of the document from the local Police,
b. The applicant must not be included on the blacklist.
c. Payment of the Immigration Fee.

1. Provisions :
a. Any foreign national who loses his/her Limited Stay Permit Card or Permanent Stay Permit Card is required to report immediately to the nearest Police Station to obtain an Official Statement concerning the loss of the document.
b. Foreign national whose Limited Stay Permit Card or Permanent Stay Permit Card is lost or damaged is required to report immediately to the Head of Immigration Office, to obtain a duplicate Limited Stay Permit Card or Permanent Stay Permit Card.
c. The Head of Jakarta Immigration Office or a designated official shall investigate the possibility of willful intent in the loss or dam­age of the document.
d. The issuance of a duplicate Limited Stay Permit Card or Permit Stay Card shall be implemented by the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta upon written approval from the Head of Regional Office the Department of Justice and Human Rights or a designated official.

2. Requirements :
a. An application for a duplicate Limited Stay Permit Card or Perma­nent Stay Permit Card shall be submitted by the foreign national concerned or his/her sponsor to the Head of Immigration Office in Jakarta with the following enclosures:
1) a valid passport or travel document;
2) proof of possessing a valid Limited Stay Permit Card or Perma­nent Stay Permit Card based on a passport or travel document, an Alien Registration Book, or other proof of the admission and presence of the foreign national concerned in Indonesia;
3) the results of an investigation showing that no element of willful intent has been found;
4) an official statement of loss from the local Police;
5) a certificate or guarantee from the sponsor,
b. The applicant must not be included on the Blacklist,
c. Payment of the Immigration Fee.



Provisions :
a. Alien Registration is the processing of in­formation/data con­cerning the presence and the activities of foreign nationals in the territory of the Re­public of Indonesia;
b. An Alien Registration Review is the updat­ing of records con­cerning the presence and the activities of foreign nationals in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

2. Requirements for Alien Registration :
a. Registration at the Jakarta Immigration Office is compulsory for for­eign nationals residing in the regencies of Jakarta, and in possession of one of the following Immigration permits :
1) A Visit Permit, and the foreign national concerned having stayed in Indonesia for more than 90 (ninety) days;
2) A Limited Stay Permit;
3) A Permanent Stay Permit.
b. Alien Registration shall be performed 1 (one) time during the foreign national's stay in Indonesia.

3. Requirements for Immigration Permit holders :
a. Alien Registration for a foreign national in possession of a Visit Permit shall be performed within 14 (fourteen) days of the 91st (ninety-first) day from the date of the admission permit.
b. Alien Registration shall be carried out at the local Immigration Office at the same time as the issuance of an extension of a Visit Permit.
c. Alien Registration for foreign nationals in possession of a Limited Stay Permit or a Permanent Stay Permit shall be carried out at the local Immi­gration office at the time of permit issuance, except for those foreign nationals who are granted conversions of their Immigration Permits.
d. Alien Registration shall be carried out by filling out the required form, which should include: name; sex; place and date of birth; profession; finger print; marital status; nationality; religion; address; number and validity dates of passport; place and date of en­trance into Indonesia and validity dates of Immigration Permit;
e. Each Alien Registration will be recorded in a special Registration Book.

4. Exemptions from the Alien Registration Requirement :
Alien Registration is not required for ;
a. a foreign national staying in Indonesia for less than 90 (ninety) days;
b. a foreign national who is the parent or guardian of a baby under the age of 14 (fourteen) days old (Alien Registration is only required after 14 (fourteen) days);

5. Proof of Registration :
a. Foreign nationals who have registered will be given proof of registration in the form of an Alien Registration Book;
b. The Alien Registration Book will be used to record any change in family status, marital status, citizenship, address, or employment;
c. The Alien Registration Book may be used by the Police or other govern­ment offices whose jurisdiction concerns the activities of foreign na­tionals in order to obtain information concerning Immigration Permits or other necessary particulars;
d. The Alien Registration Book shall be relinquished to the proper authori­ties before the foreign national leaves Indonesia. THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA




a. that any foreign national who enters the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia is required to possess a valid visa, exception of requirements are for designated foreign nationals who intend to visit Indonesia shall be based on- the principles of utility, mutual benefit, and not bring about intrusion to domestic security as established in Act Number 9 Year 1992 on Immigration;
b. that exceptions to requirement to possess a visa as cited in letter a is stipulated in a Decision of President as delineated by the Article 7 Para­graph (1) letter a Act Number 9 Year 1992 on Immigration;
c. that based on the two considerations of letter a and b above it has been deemed necessary to establish a Decision of President on Free Short Visit Visa;

In view of:
1. Article 4, Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution;
2. Immigration Act Number 9 Year 1992 on Immigration (State Gazette No.33/ 1992, Supplementary State Gazette No.3474);
3. Government Regulation Number 32 Year 1994 on Visa, Admission Per­mits, and Immigration Permits (State Gazette No.55/1994, Supplementary State Gazette No.3563);
4. The Decision of President of The Republic of Indonesia Number 15 Year 1983 concerning The Policy of The Tourism Development as amended in Presidential Decision Number 39 Year 1986;

It is hereby decided:
To Establish:


Article 1
In this Decision of President the following terms are defined:
1. Free Short Visit Visa is a waived visa granted as exemption for the desig­nated foreign nationals who intend to visit Indonesia for the purposes of tourism, sociocultural visit, business visit, and government duties.
2. Minister is the Minister of Justice and Human Rights of The Republic of Indonesia;
3. Immigration Checkpoint is seaports, airports, or other ports stipulated by the Minister as entry points and exit points to and from the Territory of Indonesia;
4. Visit Visa on Arrival is a visit visa issued by Immigration Officer at the Immigration Checkpoint on arrival for designated foreign nationals other than Free Short Visit Visa recipients who intends to visit Indonesia.

Article 2
Free Short Visit Visa as delineated in Article 1 number 1 merely granted to the purposes of visit that based on principles of utility, mutual benefit, and not bring about intrusion to domestic security.
Provision as cited in Paragraph (1) may be implied to foreign nationals of certain countries of origin that have executed bilateral or multilateral co­operation with the government of Indonesia on reciprocal basis.

Article 3
Foreign nationals of countries of origin as stated in Article 2 Paragraph (1) are nationals of:
a. Thailand;
b. Malaysia;
c. Singapore;
d. Brunei Darussalam;
e. The Philippines;
f. Hong Kong Special Administration Region (Hong Kong SAR);
g. Macao Special Administration Region (Macao SAR);
h. Chili;
i. Morocco;
j. Turkey; and
k. Peru

Article 4
Foreign nationals of countries of origin as delineated in Article 3 may be entering and leaving the Territory of Indonesia through any Immigration


Article 5
Free Short Visit Visa as stated in Article 2 may be issued for 30 (thirty) days Validity with the provisions:
Its validity is not extendible;
Not convertible into other immigration permits;

Article 6
Foreign nationals of countries of origin who are not granted Free Short Visit Visa may be issued a Visit Visa on Arrival as stipulated in valid law and regulations.
Article 7
By the time of this Decision of President takes in effect, regulations on immigration matters as established in The Decision of President of The Re­public of Indonesia Number 15 Year 1983 concerning The Policy of The Tourism Development as amended in Presidential Decision Number 39 Year 1986 are hereby declared to be null and void.

Article 8
All contracts in tourism business agreed by and signed by Indonesian travel bureaus and their foreign counterparts that legally based on The Decision of President of The Republic of Indonesia Number 15 Year 1983 before this Decision of President takes into effect are declared to be still valid until the coming 6 months after the effective date of this Decision of President.

Article 9
This Decision of President is effective upon the date of establishment.

Established in Jakarta
On March 31,2003




This copy conforms to the original:
The Republic of Indonesia CABINET SECRETARY
The Head of the Bureau of Law and Legislation


Edy Sudibyo

NUMBER 103 YEAR 2003


a. that Government of The Republic of Turkey has recently launched a new visa policy on the requirement of visa to enter Turkey for nationals of European Union and Indonesia;
b. that Governments of Indonesia and Vietnam had come to a reciprocal agreement to implement visa waiver policy for ordinary passport holders of the respective nationals that has been established in bilateral treaty;
c. that as Indonesian are required to possess visa to enter Turkey, nationals of Turkey do not deserve Free Short Visit Visa, in other case Vietnam implements free visa policy for Indonesian, so reciprocally, Vietnam nationals are included in Free Short Visit Visa recipients;
d. that aliens to have been granted Free Short Visit Visa are given limited opportunity to extend their stay permit based on stipulated grounds;
e. that based on the above considerations of letter a, b, c, and d, it has been deemed necessary to establish a Decision of President on The Amendment of Decision of President Number 18 Year 2003 on Free Short Visit Visa;

In view of:
1. Article 4, Paragraph (I) of the 1945 Constitution;
2. Immigration Act Number 9 Year 1992 on Immigration (State Gazette No.33/1992, Supplementary State Gazette No.3474);
3. Government Regulation Number 32 Year 1994 on Visa, Admission Permits, and Immigration Permits (State Gazette No.55/1994, Supplementary State Gazette No.3563);
4. The Decision of President of Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2003 on Free Short Visit Visa;

It is hereby decided:

To Establish:

Article I
1. To amend provision delineated in Article 3 The Decision of President of Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2003 on Free Short Visit Visa by deleting Republic of Turkey between letter I and k and by adding Vietnam, that in complete passage written as follows

“Article 3
a. Thailand;
b. Malaysia;
c. Singapore;
d. Brunei Darussalam;
e. The Philippines;
f. Hong Kong Special Administration Region (Hong Kong SAR);
g. Macao Special Administration Region (Macao SAR);
h. Chili;
i. Morocco;
j. Peru; and
k. Vietnam.

2. To amend provision delineated in Article 5 The Decision of President of Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2003 on Free Short Visit Visa that in complete passage written as follows:

“Article 5
Free Short Visit Visa as stated in Article 2 may be issued for 30 (thirty) days validity.
In the matter of emergency cases as natural disaster, accident and illness. Free Short Visit Visa as specified in paragraph (1) is extendible upon the Minister approval.
The provision of Free Short Visa as specified in paragraph (1) shall not be converted into other immigration permits."

Article II
Decision of President is effective upon the date of establishment.

Established in Jakarta
On December 17,2003




This copy conforms to the original:
The Republic of Indonesia Deputy of CABINET SECRETARY
The Head of the Bureau of Law and Legislation


Lambock V. Nahattands

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